I have decided to make my broccoli actually taste good for once by adding cocoa to this vegetable. By doing this I think that more kids will start to eat broccoli and get a nice supply of vitamin A. In order to make this change you are going to need cocoa beans and broccoli. There will be many benefits to this genetically modified broccoli. Some of the benefits are: parents don't have to worry about their children not getting vitamin A, and children will be happy when they have broccoli. Some of the risks of this product are: Some children who are allergic to cocoa may eat this broccoli which could lead to problems. The consumers who are eating this product should know the facts of what they are getting in their food and what are side effects to this product. The producer of this product should have some ethical considerations on modifying the original product. Farmers and consumers should know the stakeholders behind this product. Stakeholders are the individuals, organizations, communities, agencies and governments with a vested interest in the issue. A stakeholder that consumers should consider are the ones that have the company label the product, and also know how much cocoa is being added. The producer should survey a group of parents to see how much cocoa should be added to the broccoli, because to much cocoa could lead the obesity.
- First you want to gather all the information about cocoa and broccoli
- Then you want to identify the gene that you would extract from cocoa
- After that you are going to have to extract the gene from the cocoa and transfer it into the broccoli
- You then have to plant the seed and let the broccoli grow
- Lastly you have to make sure that is okay for people to eat and it contains the same amount of nutrition.
Scientists identified the gene from the cocoa that would make the broccoli sweet.
Enzymes were used to cut the gene out
The microscopic gold pellet was used to extract the DNA
The new genetically modified seeds are grown for the kids to eat.